Spirituality, New-Age - Channeling
Intergalactic message

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic
> Federation
> Selamat Jarin! We arrive again, dear Hearts! Much is unfolding in secret
> that soon will be revealed to you. These recent developments fill our hearts
> with boundless joy! They correspond well to the modified first contact
> scenario to which we introduced you in our last message. Therefore, we feel that we
> must tell you a little more about what we have been doing to assure your
> forthcoming success. Supervised by Mother Earth's Spiritual Hierarchy, we have
> instituted an increased observational grid around your planet. Its purpose is to
> prevent the drastic efforts by a last, obstinate cabal from fomenting specific
> actions that
> would lead to their most cherished objective - a global war. They intend
> to
> provoke a conflict that leads to the declaration of worldwide martial
> law, which
> would be implemented under their supervision. In this environment of
> conflict,
> they intended to instigate a 'pogrom' that would eliminate all
> opposition, giving
> them complete control over your world. With this stratagem, the dark
> would
> have left us with only one option - a sudden mass landing upon your
> shores.
> Happily, these base attempts have largely failed. We have allowed
> only a
> few of them to occur, and only so that we could discover what was
> planned
> next. As a result of what we have learned, we are completely confident
> that
> these heinous strategies will not succeed. Their failure has caused a
> widespread backlash that is isolating this cabal from its potential
> allies. For the
> past seven years, your world has witnessed a mammoth, complex political
> game that has been waged on a global scale. The game occurred when the
> Anunnaki decided to move toward the Light. It created a serious dilemma
> for
> their earthly minions: either to cooperate with the Light and allow a
> number of
> important political and financial changes to manifest, or to resist and
> attempt to
> institute a system that would enslave Earth's humanity. This launched a
> series
> of actions that will lead to your ultimate victory. Its final stages
> will involve what
> amounts to a legal overthrow of one of your major governments. Many
> individuals, both in the military and in high civilian office, have
> worked with their
> counterparts around your globe to achieve what is now about to unfold.
> We have taken a profound interest in this process. This last cabal
> illegally
> seized control of a major government. More than six months ago, this
> same
> cabal performed a highly specialized action, executed by its black ops
> intelligence agencies, which it then blamed on a ring of international
> terrorists
> that it previously had created and long had financed. Assisted by its
> media
> allies, it has perpetrated a great crime. Fortunately, many groups and
> individuals, in a position to put a stop to this travesty, have forged
> ahead and
> are nearly ready to put an end to this group of extremely arrogant and
> dangerous men and women. The group that opposes this vile cabal has the
> full
> support of many important world governments, crucial financial
> organizations
> and members of the military, who courageously have put forward plans to
> support the complete overthrow of this most despicable regime. To assist
> them,
> we have permitted use of our personnel and even our fleet when it is
> deemed
> necessary. By helping them, we desire to ensure their victory, as well
> as the
> quick manifestation of your freedom and personal sovereignty.
> We have carefully observed this cabal's continuous attempts to
> foment
> atrocities as depraved as that which they committed some six months ago.
> On
> numerous occasions, Galactic Federation of Light liaisons, scout craft
> and even
> atmospheric command ships have had to intervene to prevent similar acts
> from
> occurring. We also have organized a special task force that is working
> diligently
> with the forces of Light on your world and is helping us to achieve some
> of the
> initial goals of first contact. They include the creation of a way to
> stop the UFO
> cover-up and allow us formal access to your global communication
> networks.
> Once we have received this permission, we can increase their recognition
> of us
> by directly addressing the people of Earth on vital issues such as your
> true
> history and how we have divinely come to your shores. Remember, dear
> Hearts, that this is not a rescue mission, but rather the fulfillment of
> divine
> prophecy.
> Our mission is divine. We have arrived upon your shores only to
> accomplish
> the work that Heaven has given us. That work is to carry out a mass
> landing
> upon your shores. Prior to that, our mission is to ensure your global
> society's
> readiness for this massive contact. This has led us into matters that,
> normally,
> we leave only for those directly involved in the daily operation of your
> world.
> However, when the Anunnaki moved to the Light, we were confronted with a
> special situation. In this case, we refused to intervene until we first
> had
> obtained approval from Heaven. To respect your wishes and desires, the
> degree of our interaction with the highest levels of your political,
> cultural,
> financial and governmental infrastructure has been carried out with the
> greatest
> of care. Nonetheless, the sacred Administrations of Heaven are our final
> authority in these interactions. Divine timing is in effect, dear
> Hearts. It, and it
> alone, is our ultimate arbiter.
> As a result of the process now unfolding, we wish to describe our
> intended
> actions, once we have succeeded in our plans. One of our first
> considerations
> is a vast fly-over in specific urban areas of your globe. Presently, we
> are
> conferring in secret with several of your governments with respect to
> this
> announcement. Our thought is to have them include this information in
> the
> statement. We are also working out a plan with those who are now
> appointed to
> succeed to power in this same major government. This agreement will
> present
> ways in which some new technologies can immediately be made known. At
> the
> moment, your world's economy is based on technology that is no longer
> viable.
> More workable technology needs to be introduced. It could also be
> instrumental
> in pushing your present conceptual paradigm in the right direction.
> Your destiny, dear Ones, is to become fully conscious Beings of
> the Light.
> Such Beings naturally dwell in galactic societies. The ultimate
> objective of our
> first contact mission is to help you achieve this wondrous future. At
> present, you
> have in your possession technologies that are unimaginable in your
> present
> paradigm. They demonstrate how easily you can move from being planetary
> humans to being galactic humans. This move is now underway. Although
> most
> of your population is officially unaware of these things, each of you
> has a sense
> that an event of extraordinary proportions is unfolding. Your awareness
> is a
> product of the transformation to which we long have alluded. Only now
> have
> you reached a point at which it is possible for you to learn about it,
> openly and
> publicly. This process has many ramifications.
> One of its major consequences is the swift transformation of
> sentient
> exclusivity that your many cultures and philosophies traditionally have
> taught.
> Moreover, there is your perception of what consciousness is, as well as
> its
> effect upon your scientific paradigms. These elements alter your
> collective
> perceptions of reality. They, in turn, open the door to our first
> contact with you.
> This mutation of your perceptions of reality is very important to us.
> You, dear
> Hearts, are only beginning to understand what lies ahead for you. Those
> who
> long have resisted the next great leap in your consciousness have had to
> make
> their last, desperate moves. In their approaching failure lies the
> dawning of a
> new day for Earth's humanity. Therefore, be gracious and be true in your
> treatment of them. Above all, look to Heaven and divinely carry out the
> sacred
> Will of the Creator.
> Today, we have expanded upon events that are soon to be
> manifested. We
> ask you to remain focused and fully committed to carrying out your
> coming
> victory. In this, be gracious and willing to accept that you all are
> players in a
> cosmic drama that is returning you, once again, to full consciousness.
> We now
> take our leave. Blessings, dear Hearts! Know deep within your Hearts
> that you
> will be victorious and that the Abundance and Prosperity of Heaven will
> be
> yours! Amen. Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! Be in Joy!)

Intergalactic message (Spirituality, New-Age - Channeling)    -    Author : jessy - USA

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