Chemical compositionClays are not true minerals, but their medicinal virtues are highly acknowledged. They are soft and fat sedimentary stones.
The name “clay” does not refer to any chemical or physical definition. Clay stones are fine mixtures of minerals and their colours vary depending on their composition.
Clays are sold in diet and nature shops, and numerous books explain how to use them.Hardness1 – 1.5ColourGreen, white, red, yellowish, greyish.CompositionMinerals found in green clay: Silica, Feldspar, Aluminium, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Sodium, Manganese, Phosphorous, Copper, Cobalt, Lithium and Molybdenum.Clay as a therapeutic agentAccording to Raymond Dextreit, winner of 1989 Peace Award for Natural Medicines: Nothing in clay is supposed to explain its wonderful properties. But facts and medical results obtained with clay show the following properties:
Specificities: These last years, the usage of clay as a natural medicine has been so developed in France that many of its properties have emerged. The consumption of clay has been accepted by public opinion. Clay has a bactericide effect and may clean up polluted waters. Its incredible absorption ability is even used by the Army to transform stagnant waters into drinkable sources.
Clay is a real sponge for toxins. In the body, clay absorbs, neutralizes and eliminates all kinds of impurities trapped inside the different tissues and the body fluids (blood, bile, lymph…).
Clay is also a very efficient counter-poison as it helps lowering the toxicity of poisonous substances. It has a preventing, but also curing action in the case of infectious diseases like colibacillosis or furunculosis.
Does it mean that clay acts as an antiseptic or an antibiotic, killing bacteria and viruses? No one knows for sure. Alike all natural remedies, clay has no specific target, but seems to act as a whole by reinforcing the immune system and globally preventing bacterial proliferation.
Clay sometimes slows a little bit the bowel flow, often transitorily, and needs to be completed with a laxative herbal tea.
The revitalizing effects of clay are often spectacular. It is somehow this vital reloading of the body that allows a reinforceImprovement of its defences and protections. Clay seems to act as a buffer for radioactive materials, hence its role as an anti-cancer and anti-degenerative agent.
Clay also helps the bowel absorption of food and nutrients and maintains the right balance within intestinal flora.
Preparative mode: Put a teaspoon of super thin clay powder into half a glass of water (100 ml). Use a wooden spoon (you should never touch clay with a metallic object). Stir and leave it until full sedimentation of the clay.
Use: Drink the beverage preferentially first time in the morning or just before sleep at night. If after several days of treatment you do not notice any constipation, you might stir the beverage before drinking it in order to absorb a bit of the mud also. With use, it is possible to drink the beverage five times during daytime, but one must first check that no constipation occurs before increasing the amount of clay absorbed otherwise one should get into big trouble.
The only precaution with clay is to check that you have not absorbed any paraffin oil during the two previous weeks, as this might harden the clay inside your bowels to a cement-like material.
Nevertheless, during internal treatment with clay, it is advised to avoid fatty foods and oils.
One should never drink clay in the following cases:
Intestinal occlusion
Absorption of paraffin oil at any moment in the previous fortnight
Fatty food diet.
At the beginning of treatment (only clear water as a supernatant), constipation is not uncommon, but soon disappears.
A clay treatment is advised at the moment of any season change in order to eliminate the toxins. One teaspoon of clay in half a glass of water first time in the morning, every day during three weeks is a good way to start. Then you may stop for one week and start again for another three weeks. Prepare your beverage the night before, and leave it overnight for sedimentation.
After these two three weeks long rows, you may just alternate every two weeks, and then ten days a month to maintain a good health.
Purification - Reloading: The more clay has been exposed to sun, air and rain, the more active it is. Any clay used for a treatment should be thrown away or buried as it has been devitalised and soaked with toxins.
Clay as an internal therapeutic agent: Are all clays the same? Are they all convenient for a therapeutic use? Most studies have been performed on the green and grey varieties but white or red clays trials have shown the same kind of virtues.
White clay deposits as a protection layer upon the gastric duct and acts as a buffer and a regulator of intestinal pH by absorption of highly acid or alkaline materials. It also absorbs any gases, toxins and excessive digestive secretions or biliary acids. White clay has also a bacteriostatic effect on a wide range of pathogenic bacteria, thus regulating intestinal transit and curing diarrhoea. It has been noticed a beneficial effect on blood coagulation as well.
Preparative mode: You need a container, made of ceramic, enamel, wood, glass or stone… but never use a metal container. Place some crushed clay inside your container, levelling the surface. Add water until it covers the clay and leave it for a while until complete soaking.
Then, you may stir the mixture with a wooden flat spoon. At this stage, the clay should look like a greasy and sticky paste, not too thick neither too fluid. You may then place the container under the sunlight, covering it with gauze to prevent any impurities to fall in.
Use: Thus prepared, clay is used as a cataplasm. Using the wooden flat spoon just spread the clay on a piece of cloth that has been previously folded back many times. Your clay layer should be 5 to 20 millimetres thick, depending on the treatment.
Usually, clay is applied directly on the skin at the desired place, but cold. Anyway, for those who can’t bear it, it is still possible to heat it with a Bain Marie prior to application. The cataplasm may be held in place using a bandage, from one hour to overnight depending on your case. When wounds are infected, you will have to renew the cataplasm every hour. When you are curing an internal organ through skin contact, the cataplasm will have to remain in place for several hours at least.
Generally, clay is nearly dried when removed. In such a case, it is pretty easy to clean your skin out of it after treatment.
Sometimes, you may notice a transitory worsening effect of the symptoms when you use clay. This is not a problem, and even considered as a good sign of efficiency.
Purification - Reloading: The more clay has been exposed to sun, air and rain, the more active it is. Any clay used for a treatment should be thrown away or buried as it has been devitalised and soaked with toxins.
Clay as an external therapeutic agent:
White clay is able to calm down any inflammatory state, to prevent oedemas and to clean wounds, preventing any secondary infection.
Green clay is a very efficient antiseptic that fully respects all tissues.
Clay has been proved efficient for lowering the biological destructive consequences of nuclear radiation exposure.