Natural Medicine - Organic food, Biodynamics


Classe by numeros of code:

FOOD DYES (E100/E181)



FOOD ACIDS (E500/E585)


All on the FOOD DYES by numbers of code (E100/E181)
FOOD DYES Classified by numbers of code:

E100 Curcurmine - yellow - without danger

E101 Lactoflavin Riboflavin, Vitamin G - yellow - without danger (Animal derived)

E101a Riboflavin, B2 Vitamin - yellow - without danger (Animal derived)

E102 Tartrazine - yellow - risk D allergy

E103 Chrysoine S1 - Yellow - important Risk of allergy - Interdict in Europe.

E104 - yellow - allergy - Interdict to the United States and in Australia.

E105 1 - yellow - allergy.

E107 2G - yellow - important Risk of allergy.

E110 Orange S - orange - important Risk of allergy - Interdict to the USA

E111 GGN1 - orange - adverse effects - Interdict in Europe.

E120 Cochineal, acid carminic - red - allergy (Animal derived)

E121 Orchil-Orcein - red - allergy - Interdict in Europe.

E122 Azorubine Cramoisine - red - Risks of allergy.

E123 - red - allergies, carcinogenic, mutagen potential

E124 cochineal A, Culvert 4R - red - Risks of allergy, genotoxic - Interdict in the USA. (Animal derived)

E125 GN1 - red - Strong risk of allergy - Interdict in Europe.

E126 Culvert GR1 - red - Strong risk of allergy - Interdict in Europe.

E127 Erythrosine - red - strong allergy, carcinogen. (Animal derived)

E128 azogéranine 2G - red - Risks of allergy - carcinogenic and mutagen Poison - Interdict in France, Switzerland and the USA.

E129 Rouge will allura - red - interdict in France

E130 anthraquinonic RS1 - blue - to avoid Licensed

E131 V - blue - disorders gastric, potential carcinogenic - Interdict in the USA.

E132 Indigotine - blue - tackles antiviral system of defense

E133 brilllant FCF - blue - Risks of allergy

E140 Chlorophyls - green - without danger

E141 Cupric Complex of chlorophyls - green - without danger.

E142 shining BS - green - recognized carcinogen.

E150a Caramel - brown - without danger.

E150b caustic Caramel of sulphite - brown - precaution.

E150c ammoniacal Caramel - brown - precaution.

E150d Caramel with ammonium sulphite - brown - precaution.

E151 shining BN - black - allergy

E152 7984 1 - black - allergy

E153 Carbo-médicinalis végétalis (vegetable Coal) - black - light allergy. (Animal derived)

E154 FK - brown - Risks of allergy.

E155 HT - brown - Risks of allergy.

E160 Carotenoids (bixine, carotene) - nuances of colouring - without danger

E160a Provitamin A - Orange - without danger.

E160b Norbixine Bixine - Orange - without danger.

E160c Capsanthéine Paprika - Orange - without danger.

E160d Lycopene - Orange - without danger.

E160e Apocarotenal Pepper - red - without danger.

E160f Ester of the acid - apocarotenic - Orange - without danger.

E161 Xantophylles - Yellow - without danger.

E161a Flaxoxanthine - Yellow - without danger.

E161b Lutein - Yellow - without danger. (Animal derived)

E161c Cryptoxanthine - Yellow - without danger.

E161d Rubixanthine - Yellow - without danger.

E161e Violaxanthine - Yellow - without danger.

E161f Rhodoxanthine - Yellow - without danger.

E161g Canthaxanthine - Orange - without danger. (Animal derived)

E162 beet - Nuances of red colouring rosy - without danger

E163 Anthocyanes - Nuances of colouring - without danger

E163a Anthocyanes - Red - without danger.

E163b Anthocyanes - Blue - without danger.

E163c Anthocyanes - Crimson - without danger.

E163d Anthocyanes - Ochre - without danger.

E163e Anthocyanes - Red - without danger.

E163f Anthocyanes - Red - without danger.

E170 Carbonates calcium - white dye of surface - without danger

E171 Dioxide of titanium - white - without danger

E172 Oxidizes/iron Hydroxyde - Nuances of colouring colouring of surface - without danger

E173 - Aluminium - colouring of surface color metal - important of allergy and neurotoxic Risk - Interdict in Australia.

E174 Money - colouring of surface metal - without danger

E175 Gold - colouring of surface - without danger

E180 Pigment ruby - external colouring ruby - without danger

E181 Umber burned - external colouring - without danger
All on the FOOD CONSERVATIVES by numbers of code (E200/E297).
FOOD CONSERVATIVES Classified by numbers of code:

E200 Sorbic Acid - conservative - allergy, mutagen

E201 Sorbate of sodium - conservative - allergy mutagen

E202 Sorbate of potassium - conservative - allergy mutagen

E203 Sorbate of calcium - conservative - allergy mutagen

E210 Benzoic Acid - conservative - allergy (itchings, migraine, urticaria)

E211 Benzoate of sodium - conservative - allergy (itchings, migraine, urticaria)

E212 Benzoate of potassium - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E213 Benzoate of calcium - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E214 P.Hydrozybenzoate of ethyl - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E215 Sodic Derived from ethyl ester - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E216 P.Hydroxybenzoate of propyl - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E217 Sodic Derived from propylic ester - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E218 Parahydroxybenzoate of methyl - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E219 Sodic Derived from methyl ester of the p-hydroxybenzoïque acid - conservative - important Risk of allergy.

E220 Sulphur dioxide - conservative, bleaching agent - Poison.

E221 Sulfate sodium - conservative, bleaching agent - destroyed saw it. B1 Toxique.

E222 Sulfite sodium - conservative, bleaching agent - destroyed saw it. B1 Toxique.

E223 Disulfite of sodium - conservative, bleaching agent - destroyed saw it. B1 Toxique.

E224 Disulfite of potassium - conservative launderer - Poison.

E226 Sulphites calcium - conservative, launderer - Poison.

E227 Bisulfite of calcium - conservative - Poison.

E228 Sulphites acid potassium - conservative - Poison.

E230 Diphenyl - conservative - allergy, poison and irritant.

E231 Orthophénylphénol of sodium - conservative - Irritants, effects mutagen and carcinogens - Interdict in the USA.

E232 Orthophénylphénate of sodium - conservative - Irritants, effects mutagen and carcinogens - Interdict in the USA.

E233 Benzimidazole, Thiabendazole - conservative - Génotoxique - Interdict in Australia.

E234 Nisine - conservative - tackles antiviral system of defense.

E235 Natamycine - conservative surface treatment - tackles antiviral system of defense.

E236 Formic Acid - conservative - allergy - Interdict in France and Australia. (Animal derived)

E237 Formate of sodium - conservative - allergy - Interdict in France and Australia. (Animal derived)

E238 Formate of calcium - conservative - allergy - Interdict in France and Australia. (Animal derived)

E239 Hexaméthylène tétramine - preserving - allergy, poison and irritant.

E240 Boric Acid - conservative - allergy

E241 Tetraborate of sodium - fixer, conservative - allergy

E242 Dicarbonate of dimethyl - conservative - Poison.

E249 Nitrite of potassium - conservative - Poison, effects mutagen and carcinogenic, prevents the red globules from transporting oxygen.

E250 Nitrite of sodium - fixer, conservative - Poison, effects mutagen and carcinogenic, destroyed the red globules.

E251 Nitrate of sodium - fixer, conservative - Poison, effects mutagen and carcinogenic, destroyed the red globules.

E252 Nitrate of potassium - fixer, conservative - Poison, effects mutagen and carcinogenic, destroyed the red globules.

E260 Natural acetic Acid - conservative - without danger

E261 Acetate of potassium - conservative - without danger

E262 Diacétate of sodium - conservative - to avoid

E263 Acetate of calcium - conservative - to avoid

E264 Acetate of ammonium - conservative - allergies.

E270 Lactic Acid - conservative - to avoid in the children (Animal derived)

E280 Proprianic Acid - conservative - without danger.

E281 Propionate of sodium - conservative - without danger.

E282 Propionate of calcium - conservative - without danger.

E283 Propionate of potassium - conservative - without danger.

E284 Boric Acid - conservative - without danger.

E285 Tetraborate of sodium - conservative - without danger.

E290 Dioxide - conservative - idle digestion

E296 Malic Acid - conservative - without danger.

E297 Fumaric Acid - conservative - without danger.
All on the FOOD ANTIOXYDANTS by numbers of code (E300/E495).
FOOD ANTIOXYDANTS Classified by numbers of code:

E300 L ascorbic - agent oxygenates - precaution

E301 L.Ascorbate of sodium - agent oxygenates - without danger

E302 L.Ascorbate of calcium - agent oxygenates - assistance to formation renal calculi

E303 Acid diacetyl 5.L - agent oxygenates - without danger

E304 Acid palmityl 6.L - agent oxygenates - without danger

E305 Stearate of ascorbyle - without danger.

E306 Extracted rich in tocopherols (naturalness) - agent oxygenates - without danger

E307 Alpha-tocopherol (synthesis) - agent oxygenates - to supervise

E308 Gammatocophérol - agent oxygenates - to supervise

E309 Delta-tocopherol - agent oxygenates - to supervise

E310 Gallate of propyl - Allergy, poison, irritations.

E311 Gallate of octyl - agent oxygenates - allergy, poison, risks of cutaneous sensitizing.

E312 Gallate of dodécycle - agent oxygenates - cutaneous allergy, poison.

E315 Erythorbic Acid - Poison.

E316 Erythorbate of sodium - Poison.

E320 Butylhydroxytoluène (BHT) - agent oxygenates - to avoid completely, poison, carcinogen.

E321 Butylhydroxytoluène (BHT) - agent oxygenates - to avoid completely, poison, carcinogen.

E322 Lecithins - anti-oxygen, emulsifier - without danger (Animal derived)

E325 Lactate of sodium - acidifier, neutralizing - to avoid (Animal derived)

E326 Lactate of potassium - Acidifier, neutralizing - to avoid (Animal derived)

E327 Lactate of calcium - Acidifier - to avoid (Animal derived)

E328 Lactate of ammonium - Emulsifier, gelling, antioxidant - to avoid

E330 Citric Acid - Acidulants - cutaneous allergies

E331 Citrate of sodium - acidulants, neutralizing - cutaneous allergies

E332 Citrate of potassium - Acidulants - cutaneous allergy

E333 Citrate of calcium - acidulants - cutaneous allergy

E334 Tartaric Acid - clarifying - without danger

E335 Tartrate of sodium - clarifying - without danger

E336 Tartrate of potassium - clarifying - without danger

E337 Tartrate doubles sodium and of potassium - clarifying - without danger

E338 Orthophosphoric Acid - acidifiers - decalcifying, digestive disorders

E339 Orthophosphate of sodium - acidifiers - precautions to be taken

E340 Orthophosphate of potassium - Acidifiers - decalcifying, precautions

E341 Oethophosphate of calcium - acidifiers - precautions to be taken

E342 Phosphates ammonium - emulsifiers - Poison, carcinogen - interdict in many countries.

E343 Phosphates magnesium - emulsifiers - Poison, carcinogen - interdict in many countries.

E345 Citrate of magnesium - emulsifiers - Poison, carcinogen - interdict in many countries.

E349 Malate of ammonium - emulsifiers - without danger

E350 Malate of sodium - emulsifiers - without danger

E351 Malate of potassium - emulsifiers - without danger

E352 Malate of calcium - emulsifiers - without danger

E353 Métatartrique Acid - emulsifiers - without danger

E354 Tartrate of calcium - emulsifiers - without danger

E355 Adipic Acid - emulsifiers - Poison

E356 Adipate of sodium - emulsifiers - Poison

E357 Adipate of potassium - emulsifiers - Poison

E363 Succinic Acid - emulsifiers - Poison

E370 Hepronolactone - emulsifiers - without danger

E375 Acid nicotinic PP Vitamin - emulsifiers - Risk of allergy

E380 Citrate of triammonium - emulsifiers - without danger

E381 ferric Citrate ammonium - emulsifiers - without danger

E385 Ethylènediaminesodium calcium - emulsifiers - Risks of allergy

E400 Alginic Acid - emulsifiers, thickener - without danger

E401 Alginate sodium - emulsifiers, thickener - without danger

E402 Alginate of potassium - emulsifiers, thickener - without danger

E403 Alginate of ammonium - emulsifiers, thickener - without danger

E404 Alginate of calcium - emulsifiers, thickener - without danger

E405 Alginate of propylene glycol - emulsifiers, thickener - without danger

E406 Agar agar - gelling - without danger

E407 Carrageenans - gelling - without danger

E407a Eucheuma Algae transformed - without danger

E410 Gums carob - gelling - without danger

E412 Flour of guar - gelling - without danger

E413 Gums adragante - gelling - without danger

E414 Gum arabic, Gum of accacia - without danger

E415 Gums xanthane - without danger

E416 Gums karaya - without danger

E417 Gomme Tared - without danger

E418 Gums Gellane - gelling - without danger

E420 Sorbitol - sweetening substance - light allergy

E421 Mannitol - sweetening substance - without danger

E422 Glycerol - sweetening substance - without danger (Animal derived)

E425 Konjac - emulsifiers, thickener - extremely toxic

E430 Stearate of polyoxyethylene 8 - poison (Animal derived)

E431 Stearate of polyoxyethylene (40) - Toxic, carcinogenic - Interdict in Europe. (Animal derived)

E432 Polysorbate 20 - Poison, mutagen. (Animal derived)

E433 Polysorbate 80 - Poison, mutagen. (Animal derived)

E434 Polysorbate 40 - Poison, mutagen. (Animal derived)

E435 Monostéarate of polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitane - Toxic, mutagen. (Animal derived)

E436 Tristéarate of polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitane - Toxic, mutagen. (Animal derived)

E440a Pectins - gelling, thickener - without danger

E440b amidée Pectin - gelling, thickener - allergy

E441 Gelatine - gelling, thickener - (Animal derived)

E442 Phosphatidic ammonium Salts of acid - allergy

E444 Isobutyrate Acetate of saccharose - Poison

E445 Esters glyceric - Poison and irritant

E450a acid Pyrophosphate of sodium - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E450b trisodium pyrophosphate - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E450c Pyrophosphate - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E450d Diphosphate - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E450e Tetrapotassic Pyrophosphate - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E450f Pyrophosphate of calcium - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E450g acid Pyrophosphate of calcium - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison Pentasodic

E451a Triphosphate - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E451b Triphosphate - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E452a insoluble Metaphosphate of sodium (2) - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E452b Polyphosphates of potassium - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E452c Polyphosphate - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E452d Polyphosphate of calcium - retention of water - Risks of allergy, poison

E459 Beta-cyclodextrin - allergy

E460a Freezing of cellulose - without danger

E460b Cellulose powders some - without danger Methilic

E461 Ether of cellulose - allergy

E462 Celluloses treated - without danger

E463 Hydroxypropyl cellulose - Poison

E464 Hydroxypropyl méthylcellulose - Poison

E465 Ethylméthyl cellulose - without danger

E466 Gums cellulose - Emulsifier - without danger

E468 Carboxymethyl cellulose of sodium rériculée - without danger

E469 Carboxyméthyl cellulose hydrolized by enzymatic way - without danger

E470a Salts of potassium of fatty acids - without danger (Animal derived)

E470b Salts of magnesium of fatty acids - without danger (Animal derived)

E471 Monostéarate of glycerin - without danger (Animal derived)

E472 Ester and Diglycérides of fatty acid - antioxidant - digestive disorders (Animal derived)

E472a Mono and acetylated diglycérides - digestive disorders (Animal derived)

E472b Lactoglycérides - digestive disorders (Animal derived)

E472c citric Esters of mono and diglycérides of fatty acids - digestive disorders (Animal derived)

E472d tartaric Esters of mono and diglycérides of fatty acids - digestive disorders (Animal derived)

E472e Esters monoacetyltartric and diacetyl tartric of mono and diglycérides of fatty acids - digestive disorders (Animal derived)

E472f Esters mixed acetic and tartaric of mono and diglycérides of fatty acids - digestive disorders (Animal derived)

E473 Sucroesters of fatty acids - without danger (Animal derived)

E474 Sucroglycérides - without danger (Animal derived)

E475 Esters polyglyceric of fatty acids - without danger (Animal derived)

E476 Polyricinoléate of polyglycérol - allergy (Animal derived)

E477 Polyricinoléate of polyglycérol - allergy (Animal derived)

E478 (Animal derived)

E479b Esters glyceric of fatty acids - without danger (Animal derived)

E481 Stéaroyllactylate of sodium - allergy (Animal derived)

E482 Stéaroyllactate of calcium - allergy (Animal derived)

E483 Tartrate of stearyl - allergy (Animal derived)

E487 Laurylsulfate of sodium - allergy

E491 Monostéarate of sorbitane - without danger (Animal derived)

E492 Tristéarate of sorbitane - without danger (Animal derived)

E493 Monolaurate of sorbitane - without danger (Animal derived)

E494 Monooléate of sorbitane - without danger (Animal derived)

E495 Monopalmitate of sorbitane - without danger (Animal derived)
The ACIDS (E500/E585)
E500 Sodium carbonate - without danger

E501 Carbonates of potassium - without danger

E502 Carbonates - without danger

E503 Carbonates of ammonium - without danger

E504 Carbonates of magnesium - without danger

E507 Hydrochloric Acid - Irritant

E508 Chloride potassium - Allergies

E509 Calcium chloride - Allergy

E511 Chlorides magnesium - without danger

E512 Chloride tin - Poison

E513 Sulfuric Acid- Toxic and very irritant.

E514 Sulphates sodium - Poison

E515 Sulphates potassium - Allergy

E516 Sulphates calcium - Allergy

E517 Sulphates of ammonia -

E519 Copper sulfate II - Serious digestive disorders

E520 Sulphates of aluminium - neurotoxic

E521 Sulphates of sodic aluminium - neurotoxic

E522 Sulphates of potassic aluminium - neurotoxic

E523 Sulphates of aluminium ammonic - neurotoxic

E524 Hydroxide of sodium - without danger

E525 Hydroxides of potassium - without danger

E526 Hydroxides of calcium - without danger

E527 Hydroxides of ammonium - without danger

E528 Hydroxides of magnesium - without danger

E529 Oxidizes calcium - without danger

E530 Oxidizes magnesium - without danger

E535 Ferrocyanide of sodium - Poison, risk of allergy

E536 Ferrocyanide of potassium - anti binder - Poison, risk of allergy

E537 Hexacyanoman iron - without danger

E538 Ferrocyanide of calcium - Poison, risk of allergy

E540 Phosphates hydrogen calcium - Poison

E541 Phosphates acid sodic aluminium - neurotoxic

E542 (Animal derived)

E544 Polyphosphates of ammonium - Poison, risk of allergy

E545 Polyphosphates - Poison, risk of allergy

E546 Silica - without danger

E551 Oxidizes silicon

E552 Silicate calcium - without danger

E553 Trisilicate of magnesium - without danger

E554 Silicates aluminium and sodium - neurotoxic

E555 Silicates aluminium and sodium - neurotoxic

E556 Silicates aluminium and sodium - neurotoxic

E558 Bentonite - adsorbent and bleaching agent - without danger

E559 Silicates Kaolin aluminium - without danger

E570 Stearic Acid - without danger (Animal derived)

E572 Stearate of magnesium - without danger (Animal derived)

E574 Gluconic Acid - without danger

E575 Glucono-delta-lactone - without danger

E576 Gluconate of sodium - without danger

E577 Gluconate of potassium - without danger

E578 Gluconate of calcium - without danger

E579 Gluconate of iron dihydraté - without danger

E585 ferrous Lactate - risk of allergy (Animal derived)
E620 Glutamic Acid - causes various faintnesses, violent one headaches, nauseas

E621 Monosodic Glutamate - causes various faintnesses, violent one headaches, nausea; increase the feeling of monopotassic hunger by 40%

E622 Glutamate - causes various faintnesses, violent one headaches, nausea; increase the feeling of hunger by 40%

E623 Diglutamate of calcium - causes various faintnesses, violent one headaches, nausea; increase the feeling of hunger by 40%

E624 Glutamate of amonium - causes various faintnesses, violent one headaches, nausea; increase the feeling of hunger by 40%

E625 Diglutamate of magnesium - causes various faintnesses, violent one headaches, nausea; increase the feeling of hunger by 40%

E626 Guanylic Acid - Risks of allergy

E627 Disodic Guanylate - Risks of allergy (Animal derived)

E628 Dipotassic Guanylate - Risks of allergy

E629 Guanylate de Calcium - Risks of allergy

E630 Inosinic Acid - Risks of allergy

E631 Inosinate disodic - Risks of allergy (Animal derived)

E632 Dipotassic Inosinate - Risks of allergy

E633 Inosinate of calcium - Risks of allergy

E634 Inisinates - Risks of allergy

E635 Sodium 5 ribonucléotide - Risks of allergy (Animal derived)

E636 Maltol - digestive disorders

E637 Chloride ammonium - digestive disorders

E640 Glycine - Risks of allergy (Animal derived)

E641 L-Leucine - Risks of allergy

E650 Acetate of zinc - Risks of allergy
ANY OTHER (E900/E1520)
E900 Diméthylpolysiloxane - silicone defoamer - Without danger

E901 Beeswax - Without

E902 danger Waxes candelilla - agent of texture - Without danger

E903 Cire carnauba - agent of texture - Without danger

E904 Résine of shellac - agent of texture - Without danger (Animal derived)

E905 Paraffins - Risks of allergy

E906 Gums Benzoin - vegetable Agent of texture - Without danger

E907 Poly-1-décène hydrogenated - Poison

E908 Cire rice sound - Without danger

E912 Ester of the acid montanic - Risks of allergy

E913 Lanoline - Without danger

E914 Cire polyethylene oxidized - Without danger

E915 Ester of rosin - agent of coating - Risks of allergy

E920 Lcystéine derived - curing agent - Without danger (Animal derived)

E924 Bromate from potassium - Risks of allergy

E925 Chlore - Risks of allergy, toxic

E926 Oxyde chlorine - Risks of allergy, toxic

E927 Azoformamide - Poison

E927b Carbamide - Carcinogen

E938 Argon - Without danger

E939 Helium - Without danger

E941 Nitrogenizes - Without danger

E942 Protoxyde of nitrogen - Without danger

E943a Butane - Poison

E943b Isobutane - Poison

E944 Propane - Poison

E948 Oxygène - Without danger

E949 Hydrogène - Poison

E950 Acésulfate of potassium - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy

E951 Aspartame - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy, poison (Animal derived)

E952 Cyclamate of potassium - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy, poison - interdict in the USA

E953 Palatinose hydrogenated - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy

E954 Saccharine of potassium - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy

E955 Sucralose - Sweetening substance -?

E957 Thaumatine - Sweetening substance - Without danger ?

E959 Dihydrochalcone of néohespéridine - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy

E962 Salt of aspartame acésulfame - Sweetening substance - Poison E965 Maltitol - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy
E966 Lactitol - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy

E967 Xylitol - Sweetening substance - Risks of allergy, toxic

E999 Extracted from quillaia - Risks of allergy

E1103 Invertase - Without danger

E1105 Lysozyme - Risks of allergy

E1200 Polydextrose - Without danger

E1201 Polyvinylpyrrolidone - Risks of allergy

E1202 Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone - Risks of allergy

E1404 Starch oxidized - Without danger

E1410 Phosphates starch - Poison

E1411 Glycérol of diamidon - Risks of allergy

E1412 Phosphate diamidon - Risks of allergy

E1413 Phosphate phosphatic diamidon - Risks of allergy

E1414 poison Phosphates diamidon acetylated - Risks of allergy, toxic

E1420 Amidon acetylated - Risks of allergy

E1421 Amidon acetylated to vinyl acetate - Risks of allergy

E1422 Adipate of diamidon acetylated - Risks of allergy

E1423 Glycérol of diamidon acetylated - Risks of allergy

E1440 Amidon Hydroxypropylé - Risks of allergy

E1442 Phosphate diamidon hydroxypropylé - Risks of allergy

E1443 Glycérol of diamidon hydroxypropyle - Risks of allergy

E1450 Octényle succinate of sodic starch - Risks of allergy

E1451 Amidon oxidized acetylated - Risks of allergy

E1505 Citrate of triéthyle - Risks of allergy

E1517 Diacétate of glycéryle (diacétine) - Risks of allergy

E1518 Triacétate of glycéryle (triacetin) - Risks ofallergy (Animal derived)

E1519 Alcohol benzylic - Poison, carcinogenic

E1520 Propyléneglycolane-1,2-diol - Risks of allergy
translation of the French site

FOOD ADDITIVES, CONSERVATIVES, ANTIOXYDANTS, EXAUSTEURS OF TASTE, SWEETENING SUBSTANCE, ACIDS.. (Natural Medicine - Organic food, Biodynamics)    -    Author : jean - France

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last update : 2007-04-21

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