Médecines douces - Lithothérapie
La mystique des pierres : vertus énergétiques et lithothérapie

Couverture du livre

Si l'essentiel du livre est constitué des fiches sur les pierres, comme on peut en voir deux exemplaires ci-dessous, il comprend également quelques chapitres consacrés à la purification et au rechargement des pierres, à l'utilisation des pierres en Feng Shui, aux oligo-éléments et minéraux (argent, calcium, cuivre, fluor, magnésium, or, phosphore, ...) et leurs indications, à la fabrication d'élixir à partir de pierres, aux correspondances entre chakras et pierres, ainsi qu'un index qui selon les affections renvoie aux pierres qui peuvent être utilisées en lithothérapie.
Une version en anglais du livre est maintenant disponible.

(An English version of the book is also available. For further information, or to order the book, please kindly contact Christian Delorme at the telephone number or the e-mail adress mentioned below. Thank you.)

nouveauté 2009 : SPIRIT of GEMSTONES Healing Properties and Crystal Therapy

nouveauté 2009

Healing Properties and
Crystal Therapy
SPIRIT of GEMSTONES 2009 edition
The 1st edition was published in France in 2002. The French 2008 edition (the most complete work in this field) is now followed by the present English edition. It speaks about the healing qualities of crystals and gives valuable information about more than 400 stones.
- It is a full color book (320 pages) with almost 600 photographs and illustrations.
- Its new structure is clearer to follow and more accurate.
Spirit of Gemstones remains the most comprehensive book in its field. It is a useful tool and a reference book in its domain with the best quality-price ratio.
The healing properties of minerals have been used since time immemorial. Its evidence can be found in works dating back to 5th century B.C. Egyptians used them, and even earlier, Atlantis people were known practitioners using the "power" of stones.

Some stones have a calming effect while others stimulate, fortify or protect. It is believed that one can benefit from the effects of a stone by simply wearing it.

The active principles of Crystal Therapy
- Chromotherapy, which is a therapy that uses colours.
Example: Red is a stimulant and fortifier.
- Oligotherapy is a way of treating oneself by using trace elements and minerals that homeopathy uses in an infinitesimal quantity. Example: Olivine= Iron and Magnesium silicate.
- An energy-related criteria, which is more or less random depending on the user must also be taken into consideration

This new science called "LITHOTHERAPY" was born after combining all these therapies and taking into account the "energy of stones".



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La mystique des pierres : vertus énergétiques et lithothérapie (Médecines douces - Lithothérapie)    -    Auteur : christian - France

3170 visiteurs depuis 2009-04-10
dernière mise à jour : 2009-09-01

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