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The Spiritual Blogs
[Terms of use]

Terms and conditions of use

Zen-blogs allows you to create your own website very easily (you don't have to be a computer scientist !). You can include pictures, comments, your own forum, a guest book, a visitor survey... You can create as many pages as you need, it's free.

1 - Free services On this web site, all services are free. This website is opened to everyone.
2 - Personal data In accordance with the "data protection" French act, you have access and rectification rights about your personal data registered on this website. We strongly recommand to not include your personal address & phone number in your blog. We are not responsible neither for page contents, nor for the consequences of your publications. Authors have to take on their own responsibility.
3 - Blogs Any blog, once created or updated, will be automatically published as soon as we have verified it, within a period of 1 to 4 days. The concerned web page will be also registered into the main search engines. We do not publish empty pages or pages that don't contain enough information. We also refuse pages including too many big pictures, advertising or links to commercial websites or any page that seem - at first sight - too far from the cultural mind of this website. Included pictures are supposed to belong to the blog authors or to be in the public domain, or to have all needed authorization for publication. We are not responsible for blog contents. Authors have to take on their own responsibility.
Limits : 100x25 vertical & horizontal areas (cells) - size limit of pictures = 1024x768 / 500 KB - 80 pictures /page
4 - Forums, guest books, surveys, e-mails Any blog, once published, can include 3 optional pages : a forum, a guest book and/or a visitor survey. These optional pages are managed by the blog author and stay under his responsibility, the same way as the main page. Included messages must neither be collected, nor be used in other contexts. We are not responsible for message contents published on any page or exchanged through e-mail. Everyone has to take on his own responsibility and any consequences. We may modify or delete messages (or pages) that seem to be too far from the cultural mind of this website.
Forums : forum owners must delete bad-minded messages and enter their password regularly. Otherwise, the forum is considered as abandoned, and the page content is automatically deleted after 120 days.

Blogs & Web page editor  -  (c) zen-blogs.com

since 2006, April 5
contact : E-MAIL